Site / Civil Engineering
Determining the most effective use of your site

It starts with Engineering...
Engineering determines what you can do with your site, and how it can best be done. Whether you need to know where to locate roads, utilities and structures; how best to manage stormwater and erosion; how many lots can fit on a residential tract; or what's the most effective design for a compact commercial site, our engineers can provide answers to those questions and many more.
Municipal, state & private clients
InSite Engineering Services provides complete Site / Civil Engineering services to all levels of municipal, state and private clients. These services range from initial planning and feasibility studies, survey support, comprehensive analysis and design phases, construction administration and management and preparation of final as-built drawings.
Complete site engineering services are available, including site mapping, layout, grading and drainage, earthwork computations, roadway design, pavement design, and design of all site utilities and on-site sanitary waste disposal systems.
Projects of all size
InSite provides design services for projects of greatly varied sizes and scopes, including retail/commercial development, hotels, office and housing complexes, municipal buildings, industrial and educational facilities. Our multi-disciplined staff provides the varied and collective professional expertise for a cost-effective project.
- Development Feasibility Studies
- Site Evaluation, Planning & Development
- Subdivision Design & Permitting
- Septic/ISDS/OWTS Design
- Percolation Testing & Soil Evaluation
- Utility Evaluation & Design
- Stormwater Treatment
- Erosion Control Plans
- Roadway Design
- Intersection Improvements
- Parking Studies
- Sign & Pavement Marking Plans
- Waterfront Treatments
- Retaining Walls
- Structural Services
- Construction Specifications
- Cost Estimating
- Construction Administration & Inspection
- Green Technology Design & Development